One by One

Kristina, Mother had developmental disabilities and schizophrenia. Showing mild developmental delays. Sweet, easygoing and cheerful.

Nicholas,  Born with only two heart chambers, several heart defects and Hirschprung’s disease. Had one bowel surgery and three heart surgeries so far. Inquisitive, shy and loves to help.

Mia,     Born with Down syndrome and a heart defect; post-operative complications required a pacemaker. Arrived on 24-hour oxygen, 24-hour gastric tube feeds and 24-hour nursing care with a failure to thrive and celiac disease. Silly, cute, bossy and helpful.

Nathan,  Born with Down syndrome and a mild heart defect (small hole that closed on its own). Very hyper and wants to help with everything. Receives most of the timeouts.

Emily    Born with Down syndrome and a heart defect, which was repaired. Has post-op pacemaker. Has mild cerebral palsy. Likes to be goofy; very stubborn, but loving.

Noah, Born with Down syndrome and a serious heart defect, which was repaired. Acquired a lung fungus and required 24-hour oxygen. He’s Casanoah, a real lady charmer. Is also a great dancer and actor.

Callie, Born with Down syndrome and a heart defect, which was repaired. Adopted at age 3 with behavioral problems and hyperactivity. Very athletic and helpful with tough jobs, but has a stubborn streak.

Cody, Born with Down syndrome. He was hyperactive when he was younger, but is much more mellow now. Thoughtful of others and loves music and dance.

Lindsey, Born with Down syndrome and a heart defect, which was repaired at 2 months. Was very introverted, but is a real clown now and makes people laugh. Loves country music and singing.

Amy, Born with Down syndrome and a heart defect, which was repaired at age 2. She’s very organized and coordinates chores with her siblings. Loves her television shows and crossword puzzles.

Jimmy Born with Down syndrome and a heart defect, which was banded and then repaired at age 3. Developed autism at a young age and can hardly communicate now. Very quiet and sweet.

Julia, Born with Down syndrome. Became a part of the family at age 16 because of a disrupted adoption due to behavioral problems and stealing. She is confident, talkative, outgoing and friendly.

 Brandon, Born to a mother with serious emotional disabilities and drug abuse. Was emotionally deprived for two and a half years, which resulted in learning disabilities. He’s now out on his own and working. Was very sweet and helpful as a child.

Jeremy, Born with Down syndrome and severe mental impairment. Adopted at age 5 with no skills at all. Quiet and loves music videos.

Josiah, Born with Down syndrome and severely mentally disabled. Had an imperforate anus, which was repaired at age 3, and a heart defect, which was repaired at four weeks. Goofy, likes being outside, and loves to swing.

Angel, Born premature at 18 ounces. Lost all vision due to excess oxygen in incubator. Had a tracheostomy due to tracheal atresia. Blood clot destroyed growth center of her leg bone requiring a foot amputation at age 5. Now has a prosthetic leg. Easygoing, helpful, and loves talking on the phone.

Shannon, Severely brain damaged. Adopted at age 5 with serious emotional problems and hyperactivity. Calmer now, but still has emotional issues.

Angela, Born with Down syndrome. Adopted at age 15 with few skills. Now is very helpful with household chores and thoughtful of others.
Bethany,  Helpful and creative. Loves reading, acting and writing and now lives in  Atlanta

Josh, Quiet, easy-going and loves cars. He’s a hard worker and now lives on his own in McDonough. He's now happily married and has a new baby boy.

Christian, Very laid-back and easy-going. Likes theater, wants to produce documentaries

Shawn, Loves acting and stand-up comedy. Hilarious and very creative. Lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Gone, But Never Forgotten
Sadly all the love in the world couldn’t keep these little angels from passing. They will forever be in the Murphys’ hearts.

Caleb, 7 weeks
He was born with just half a heart, the weak right side and passed away at 7 weekes old.
Rachel, 9 months
She had a heart defect and a deformed trachea, necessitating a tracheotomy. Died in 1985 from a plugged trache in ICU.

Hope, 6 months
Had Down syndrome and post-operative paralysis of her diaphragm, necessitating a tracheostomy and a ventilator. Died from a plugged trach in ICU in 1986.

Megan, 6 months
She was severely neurologically impaired and had a heart defect. She died of an infection after heart surgery in 1991.
Jonathan, 8
He had Down syndrome and was diagnosed with leukemia at age 3. He lost his battle after five years of chemo and radiation in 1995. He had a dynamic and enchanting personality and was our silly little clown, even throughout the worst of treatment. Loved Winnie the Pooh.

Nikki, 9
She had Down syndrome and a heart defect that was repaired. She died in 1998 from a brain aneurysm after a staff blood infection. She was a beautiful little girl and a wonderful helper who loved to care for the younger children. She had just learned to read and was helping to teach her siblings.

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