We try to find a variety of activities for the kids to enjoy apart from their usual routine of Special Olympics and dance class, lately a few opportunities have arisen. We came across a new adventure in the local paper, a place called "Fun Galaxy", where kids can skate, play arcade games, order food, even ride a mechanical bull! It's been years since they have skated, they used to go weekly with Parks and Rec until the skating rink ended that program. That was back in the nineties, so they were a bit rusty at first. There was a lot of slipping and flailing about, but I was surprised how quickly some of them picked it back up! We were only there an hour or two but by the end of it most were spinning around like pros, even adding in their own dance moves in the mix!
Cody singing into his mic! |
Flying Amy |
Callie gettin' down!
Others slowly became more comfortable and I'm sure with each visit they will improve. It seemed to be very therapeutic for Lindsey, who has become more and more reclusive these past couple of years(we're looking into why). The first time she went out she became frightened and wanted to stop. So we took her back to sit at a table. However, after a few minutes watching her siblings go round and round, she got up and slowly made her way across the carpet to the edge of the rink. Her big sister, Bethany, asked if she wanted to try again and held out her hands. She was very reluctant at first and could barely stand up on the skates, but after a few laps around, clinging to Bethany, she slowly began to pick it back up. By the end all she needed was a guiding hand, and the joy and confidence this brought her shone through. Moments like these are worth all the work it takes to get everyone up, ready and out the door. I can't wait to take them back again!
Lindsey gaining confidence |
Amy helps Cody up after a fall. |
Always taking care of one another |
Cheers! |
Another activity the kids love is bowling. They used to go on a weekly basis through Parks and Rec as well but when, for economical reasons, they had to add an age restriction that would exclude more than half of the kids, I didn't feel right only sending a few of them when they all enjoyed it so much. So I was excited when a woman at a fall festival last October handed me a stack of free bowling tickets. We finally put them to use last week and everyone had a blast!
They picked back up on it really quickly, we don't even have to remind them when it's their turn or how many turns they get, they usually end up reminding us! Many of them already had bowling shoes I'd found online (online shopping is a Godsend) so we only had to rent six pairs and I'm hoping that by next time I'll have a pair for everyone. We want to start taking them regularly on Monday nights, when they can bowl for just a dollar a piece!
Outings like this are always a blast and just reinforce how amazing these kids are. They don't allow themselves to be hindered by their disabilities, neither physically or emotionally. Even the most competitive among them, are humble(ish) winners and gracious losers. No matter what the outcome they just smile and say "That was fun!!"
The winner, Noah, takes his bow! |
We can all learn a lesson from them, to just enjoy life for what is. Live in the moment and choose to be happy, no matter if you are winning or losing, skating flawlessly or falling on your bum.
Laugh it off, pick yourself back up, and try again.
Jumping for joy! |